Building a buggy sketchbook habit

I’ve signed up to another Morbid Anatomy drawing class, and am now committed to drawing something everyday and sharing with the group in a private online gallery and via zoom. Will it work? I’m not sure, but gentle social accountability is a good motivator for me. Day one was drawing while our fabulous group leader talked about some sketchbook history, day two I took a small sketchbook and distressed all the pages with hopefully inspiring drips and smears. It’s only day four I’ve already done more drawing than I have in the previous month.

My personal broad-theme is tiny creatures whose anatomy I don’t really know, which I can reuse elsewhere. A vague broad sort of theme.

I expect to use mostly pen and pencil, but I was in a linocut printing course on day 2. That’s a whole new hobby sideways from where I usually work (so many interesting materials), and my on-theme centipede deserved some sketchbook space.


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